1. Outpatient and inpatient service: gynecological diseases and the
gynecologic cancer treatments.
2. Laparoscopic surgery: tumor resection, hysterectomy, tubal ligation, and
endometriosis burning.
3. Infertility artificial reproductive medicine.
4. Special clinic for women urinary incontinence.
5. Special clinic for menopausal disorders and osteoporosis.
6. General obstetric, prenatal ultrasound, high-risk pregnancy and
painless delivery.
7. Obstetric consulting services.
8. Promoting “Rooming in “for the infant and mother- Accredited by
the Department of Health as a baby-friendly hospital.
Facilities & Equipments
1. Liga Sure Technology
This technology uses low-voltage and high-electric currents in surgery
to reduce the tissue damage that other instruments may cause.
2. Mocellator
For use in clinical surgery such as myomectomy, hysterectomy,
surgeons can use V-LOC suture to close abdominal wounds.
The advantage of a small surgical site is also a reduction in pain levels
and fewer days of hospitalization.
3. Urodynamic:
The department cooperates with Urology outpatient services and
uses the latest equipment purchased in 2011 to provide screening
for treatment of woman’s urinary incontinence, urine leakage, and urinary
Research and Development
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Department set up for sub-specialties,
such as Gynecologic cancer, perinatology, reproductive medicine and
women urinary. In addition to provide diagnosis, treatment and care for
in and out patient (whether from emergency or not) and surgery techniques
for the maternity ward of production and various gynecologic, the
department go researching individually or jointly under the guidance of
senior doctor.
In medical research, in addition to publish papers in major national or
international academic conferences and journals, the obstetrics and
Gynecology Department also cooperated with the Hung Kuang university
to do the effort in medical services and innovation of medical research.
Shalu Branch 04-26625111
No.117, Shatian Road Shalu District, Taichung City 433, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Dajia Branch 04-26885599
No.321, Jingguo Road Dajia District, Taichung City 437, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Kuang Tien General Hospital’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
has become well known for its contribution to the academic field and
clinical surgery. In order to secure the health of pregnant women and their
fetuses, the department provides an advanced three-dimensional
ultrasound for those with high-risk pregnancies. We also provide obstetrics
services such as painless delivery and childbirth preparation through the
Lamaze Method. The gynecology department considers the prevention
of cervical cancer as its first priority, utilizing advanced endoscopy and
surgery instruments to provide accurate diagnosis and treatment.
In the field of artificial reproductive technology, the first test tube baby
was born in April of 1993. Following this, the department has performed
many other fallopian tube sperm ovum implantations and embryo
implantation conceptions. Currently, Kuang Tien General Hospital has
been officially approved by the Department of Health as a top-level
infertility medical center and is considered to provide the most advanced and
comprehensive artificial reproductive technology for infertility patients
in central Taiwan.