年份 |
論文名稱 |
作者 |
發表之期刊/學會 |
107 |
NAPDH oxidase inhibitor attenuated increased seizure susceptibility after systemic inflammation |
Hung-Ming Wu |
2018 American Academy of Neurology |
107 |
NADPH oxidases as potential pharmacological targets against increased seizure susceptibility after systemic inflammation |
Shankung Lin
Hsuan-Ying Chen
Ya-Ping Chen
Ting-Yu Chen
Kuei-Sen Hsu*
Hung-Ming Wu* |
Journal of Neuroinflammation |
107 |
Association of epilepsy and asthma: a population-based retrospective cohort study |
Kuo-Liang Chiang江國樑
Fang-Chuan Kuo郭芳娟
Jen-Yu Lee李仁佑
Chin-Yin Huang皇欽印 |
PeerJ |
107 |
Epidemiology, risk factors and characteristics of pediatric stroke: a nationwide population-based study |
K.-L. Chiang江國樑
C.-Y. Cheng鄭辰仰 |
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine |
107 |
Prolonged length of stay for acute hospital admissions as the increasing of age: Anationwide population study for Taiwan’s patients with cerebral palsy |
江國樑、黃欽印、范弘春、郭芳娟 |
Pediatrics and Neonatology |
107 |
高危險新生兒出院準備計畫 |
黃崇濱 |
2018 CNC第一屆全球華人新生兒醫學高峰論壇暨第二屆海峽兩岸及港澳地區新生兒醫學大會 |
107 |
Outbreak of recombinant coxsackievirus A2 infection and polio-like paralysis of children, Taiwan, 2014 |
江國樑 |
Pediatrics and Neonatology |
106 |
胎便吸入症候群(Meconium Aspiration Syndrome; MAS) |
黃崇濱 |
新生兒呼吸照護準則 |
105 |
A 12-year-old afebrile female with progressive weakness of extremities -- Guillain Barres syndrome |
趙海軒 |
105年度中部地區新生兒科聯合病例討論會 |
105 |
Littoral cell angioma of the spleen in a child |
黃婉愉、許佳菁、周宇光、黃崇濱、李慕臻 |
中華職業醫學雜誌 |
105 |
Reasons for Acute Hospital Admissions among Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy, a Population Study |
江國樑、黃欽印、范洪春 |
ICNA 2016, 世界小兒神經醫學會 |
105 |
A female newborn with multiple hypopigmented macules over the trunk |
趙海軒 |
105年度中部地區新生兒科聯合病例討論會 |
105 |
Role NOX2 in seizure susceptibility of mice following systemic inflammation |
黃婉愉 |
The 67th AAN Annual Meeting |