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      There is one of the popular Youtuber introduces herself as goddess with smallest cup and confident with it. However, not all the women have the same attitude as the Youtuber. Some would like to receive a surgery for adjusting breast shape and size due to disease, post breastfeeding or wishes to be. Whether to receive a surgery or not, in this open-mind society, they should be treated with respect and health.     


      The common stereotype about breast enhancement by surgery is easy to be seen through when body is moving or lie down because the breasts look like very hard in shape. In fact, it not like that at all, more description about breast implant is provided below.

There are several types of breast implants, defined by their filler material: saline solution, silicone gel…etc. one of the advantages is to reach ideal size and shape at one time. The opposite side is suffering from capsular contracture which may make breast becoming like a rock. However, it is preventable and they need to massage their breast very hard post-surgery in six months. Then, the outcome is to lead breast to become soft.


      On the other hand, surgeons may use endoscopy for better view, and because of that surgeon can separate tissues clearly and accurately and then insert breast implant. Also, this type of operation can reach the smallest wound, less blood loss and better recover.

Cases can discuss and choose surgical entrance with the medical specialist, based on the dressing habits in order to hide the wound.

1. Armpit: if you usually wear casual clothes with sleeve, you may choose armpit as an entrance of surgery.This type of surgery requests 100 days for recovering. Even there is a wound and scar, others may not be noticed if they see closer (<60cm).

2. Lower edge of the breast: if you won’t wear very small and short clothes to present lower part of breast, you may choose lower edge of the breast as an entrance of surgery.

3. Lower edge of the areola: Anyone could choose this option but if you don’t like to wear underwear or you work as models or are afraid of found out by your partner, you may discuss with surgeons.

4. Upper edge of the navel: if you usually do not reveal the navel, you can choose hear as a surgical entrance.


裝飾用圖片 Update:2019/9/6 17:23

Shalu: No.117, Shatian Road Shalu District, Taichung City 433, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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TEL: +886-4-2665-1900
EMAIL: ihsc@ktgh.com.tw