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Patient: Laura
Nationality: USA
Date: 12/13/2018
Clinic: Rheumatology

My medical needs were met by Trista or Suling with a friendly smile and words. They made my visits to the doctor easy and enjoyable.


Patient: Cindy
Nationality: USA
Date: 11/07/2018
Clinic: Dermatology

Blessed to have discovered Kuang Tien. Been going have several years now for the care of whole family. Thank you always for the great team of doctors, nurses and staffs.


Patient: Jeff
Nationality: USA
Date: 11/07/2018
Clinic: ENT

Many thanks to the doctor for telling the latest medical information.  Thank you for your kind service.


Patient: Ms.Yen
Nationality: USA
Date: 10/25/2018
Clinic: Orthopedics

Thank you for your service. I really like the consultation & services.


Patient: Lisa
Nationality: USA
Date: 09/13/2018
Clinic: Rheumatology

The Doctor is really helping me a lot!!


Patient: Timothy
Nationality: USA
Date: 08/03/2018
Clinic: Spinal Surgery 

I would recommend other people to come to your hospital. Nice service!

Patient: Tony
Nationality: USA
Date: 07/05/2018
Clinic: Orthopedics 

I am very happy to have surgery here. The doctor has stitched my wounds very well.

Nationality: USA
Date: 06/21/2018
Clinic: Health Exam  

Thank you for your great services.

Patient: Rachel
Nationality: USA
Date: 05/19/2018
Clinic: ENT

Dr.Shen is so friendly and nice.

Patient: Allen
Nationality: USA
Date: 05/03/2018

Clinic: Cardiology

I am impressed by the doctor's professionalism.


Patient: Paul
Nationality: Italy
Date: 04/20/2018
Clinic: ENT-Dr. Shen

Never disappointed in your service! 


Patient: Abbie
Nationality: USA
Date: 04/10/2018
Clinic: ENT-Dr. Lai

Thank you for your help! Your services are appreciated very much! 


Patient: Vincent
Nationality: USA
Date: 0221/2018
Clinic: Family Medicine-Dr. Wu

Very patient and detailed doctor!


Patient: Jessie
Nationality: GB
Date: 02/21/2018
Clinic: ENT (

Very good service!


Patient: Carolyn
Nationality: USA
Date: 02/5/2018
Clinic: Health Exam 

I am very thankful for your service.  You guys make the process a lot more eaiser and smooth.

裝飾用圖片 Update:2018/12/13 15:14

Shalu: No.117, Shatian Road Shalu District, Taichung City 433, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Dajia: No.321, Jingguo Road Dajia District, Taichung City 437, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-4-2665-1900
EMAIL: ihsc@ktgh.com.tw