Medical Department Homepage
Medical Department Homepage
Service Item

1. Diagnosis X-Ray:General X-Ray exam for outpatient clinics,
emergency services, and inpatient wards
2. Portable X-Ray:ICU exam
3. Remote X-Ray:Fluoroscope X-Ray with Digestive System, Urinary
system, Reproductive System
4. X-Ray Mammography:Breast X-Ray Examination
5. Digital Mammography, Stereotactic, Directional Vacuum-Assisted Breast
Biopsy:Breast X-Ray Examination, and Breast biopsy
6. Mammography Mobile Unit:Community Breast Examination
7. X-Ray Angiography:Abdominal Angiography, Nerve Angiography,
Intensive Vascular surgery
8. Ultrasound: Breast, Abdominal, Surgical
9. Bone Density Scanner:Bone Density Exam
10. CT Scanner:CT Screening
11. Multi-CT Scanner:Health Examination and CT Screening
12. MRI:MRI Exam

Contact Information

Shalu Branch 04-26625111
No.117, Shatian Road Shalu District, Taichung City 433, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Dajia Branch 04-26885599
No.321, Jingguo Road Dajia District, Taichung City 437, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

MedicalDepartment Introduction

The Radiology Department has uses advanced, state of the art equipment
such as MRI, Multi-Slice CT, Biplane angiography, Single Plane Angiography,
Fluoroscopy and Mammography to provide diagnosis from the images and
treatment plans for radiation oncology patients.
The Angiography medical team uses medical center level technology and
has accumulated the most successful cases of neuroendovascular
procedures in Central West Coast of Taiwan. So far, it has completed
over 10 cases of high difficult surgeries such as Platinum Detachable Coil
Embolization for Intracranial Aneurysm, Angioplasty and Stenting for
Intracranial Arterial stenosis, and Covered Stenting for Carotid Blow
Out Syndrome Due to Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.
Kuang Tien General Hospital has become one of the few hospitals
with the ability to perform such difficult neurovascular surgeries.
In the future, the Radiology Department will continue to enhance
its technology with high- tech image neuroendovascular procedures
and other invasive treatments.

Latest News

Sudden temperature changes,beware of acute ischemic stroke and acute heart diseaseSeize the golden time to save lives, send to hospital immediately if symptoms occur!Signs of acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, send to hospital immediatelyStroke warning signs: facial asymmetry, unilateral arm weakness, slurred speech。Heart attack warning signs: chest tightness, left chest pressure pain, pain in the chest radiating to the left arm, jaw, or backThe interdisciplinary collaboration mechanism established for stroke patients ensures comprehensive and continuous team care services, earning the National Quality Mark SNQ.Neuro-radiology expert Dr. Yen Pao-Sheng has achieved the highest success rate in intracranial artery embolization cases nationwide.The Stroke Association has designated the hospital as a certified training center for "acute ischemic stroke arterial thrombectomy."Passed the Joint Commission of Taiwan's "Stroke Care Quality Certification" "Acute Coronary Syndrome Care Quality Certification."Passed the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Severe Level Emergency Responsibility Hospital Qualification.24-Hour Free Ambulance Hotline Shalu Division 0800-520-995、DaJia Division 0800-521-995The cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergency medical team utilizes advanced medical technology to save every life.Top-notch medical treatment for stroke:According to statistics, over 30,000 people in Taiwan suffer from stroke each year, with nearly 80% classified as "ischemic stroke." The most effective treatments for acute ischemic stroke include administering intravenous thrombolytic agents (tPA) within 4.5 hours of the stroke onset and performing intra-arterial thrombectomy (IAT) within 24 hours for large vessel occlusions. During the rescue process, AI technology assists doctors in quickly and accurately interpreting results, enabling immediate treatment to buy more time. The physician's experience of over 600 thrombectomies and seamless teamwork are crucial to successful outcomes!Critical 90 Minutes to Save a Myocardial Infarction:According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare's data for 2022, the mortality rate from heart disease ranks second. There are 117.3 deaths per 100,000 males and 86.1 per 100,000 females. Time is critical in treating myocardial infarction; otherwise, arterial embolism can severely damage the heart and lead to death. Within 90 minutes before the patient arrives at the hospital, the emergency team is activated to perform cardiac catheterization, utilizing coronary balloon angioplasty and stent placement to unblock the cardiovascular system and restore normal oxygen supply. This reduces the duration of myocardial ischemia and effectively increases survival rates, achieving the golden treatment window for myocardial infarction.The Guangtian Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Emergency Medical Team is on standby 24 hours a day, all year round. With an efficient team operation mechanism, they seize the golden time to implement emergency treatments, enhancing treatment success rates and reducing the incidence of complications. Together, they provide top-notch medical services for the public's cerebrovascular health and life safety.


Pearls of Wisdom from the Medical Field
我的父親於2/8早上起床後因為血壓高身體不適,我開車陪同母親將他送來大甲光田醫院,原本以為只是小狀況,結果急診黃植謙醫師在20分鐘內完成心電圖檢查後立刻安排斷層掃描,確認是腦栓塞中風,緊急聯繫神經內科楊鈞百主任後啟動腦血管取栓;期間家人一度要轉診台中榮總,經過公關凌主任詳細解說與安撫情緒後,我們決定相信光田醫院,留下來接受最專業的治療。 事實證明我們的決定是正確的,因為楊鈞百主任很快的連繫國內腦中風取栓專家嚴寶勝副院長,副院長也很快的在30分鐘內搭乘救護車趕來大甲光田搶救我父親,經過這輩子最難熬的2小時超緊急手術,嚴副院長很順利且圓滿的幫我父親完成3處腦血管栓塞的取栓手術。 之後我父親被送到6樓加護病房照護,期間承蒙加護病房專責醫師李永全及李志榮的詳細說明,讓我們對於父親的病情充分掌握,感謝曾護理長帶領的專業護理團隊:護理師們的細心照顧,甚至幫我爸爸餵食、把屎把尿,讓他能夠很快在2天後轉到普通病房。 我父親於2/10中午轉出6樓加護病房到了7樓病房後,特別感謝復健科各位物理治療師的細心囑咐教導我們許多快速回復肌力的動作與方法,感謝嚴寶勝副院長關注我父親復原狀況,要求護理師每日錄影父親四肢行動狀況後回報給他掌握,感謝鍾專科護理師、靜脈雷射中心兩位護理師,不厭其煩的跟我父親分享復健過程並且一直給予鼓勵及打氣,讓我們害怕的情緒緩和很多,也要感謝許護理長及護理師們;另外治療過程我們通從楊鈞百醫師的專業建議,在中西醫合併同步治療下,我父親很順利的在病發後第5天就開始下床走路,病發後2/25、第19天出院,近乎可以完全自我照顧,真心覺得光田醫院全體醫療團隊與行政單位真的很棒!真的是名副其實的急重症責任醫院!生活在大甲地區的民眾能有光田醫院守護身體健康,真的很幸運也很棒! 非常非常感恩光田醫院治療我父親! 非常非常感恩光田醫院照顧我父親! 非常非常感恩光田醫院陪伴我父親! 非常非常感恩光田醫院讓我父親恢復健康! 非常感謝感恩文章內提到的每位貴人,謝謝!!!

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