Medical Department Homepage
Medical Department Homepage
Service Item

Surgical Remonstration
1. Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment
2. Cryotherapy
3. Body Odor Treatment: using new technology to eliminate more than 95%
body odor
4. This achievements had .already been published in the March 2009
Annual Plastic Surgery

Body Sculpture
1. Breast enlarging
2. Fat Transplantation
3. Liposuction

Cosmetics Surgery
1. Double-fold eyelid surgery
2. Lower blepharoplasty
3. Augmentation rhinoplasty
4. Dermabrasion
5. Lip Repair
6. Face lifts
7. Fat graft
8. Hair Transplant

1. Alexandrite Laser
2. CO2 Laser
3. Er:YAG Laser
4. Fraxel Laser
5. Alma Tenor
6. Intense Pulsed Light
7. Botulinus injection

Contact Information

Shalu Branch 04-26625111
No.117, Shatian Road Shalu District, Taichung City 433, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Dajia Branch 04-26885599
No.321, Jingguo Road Dajia District, Taichung City 437, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

MedicalDepartment Introduction

In the past, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery has focused on reconstructive
procedures, trauma repair, burn treatment, lip and cleft palates. In 1990, the
Hyperbaric Chamber was introduced by Dr. Wang, director of the hospital,
with the intention of providing the most accurate care for all patients, including
amputee patients. Since 1996, in response to a demand for cosmetic plastic
surgery, Kuang Tien General Hospital has obtained state-of-the-art technology
and equipment. In May of 2008, the Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery was
established a Plastic and Cosmetic Center on the fifth floor in the second
medical building of Kuang Tien General Hospital that include micro plastic
surgery, laser, microderm (hyaluronic acid, botulinus) skincare, and other

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