Medical Department Homepage
Medical Department Homepage
Service Item

1. The Gastroenterology Department diseases: Liver, Gallbladder and
Gastrointestinal disease, and Pancreatitis, Hepatitis, Liver Cirrhosis
and Liver Cancer.
2. Ultrasound diagnosis, and Ultrasound-guided extraction, drainage,
and alcohol injection therapy.
3. Endoscopic Diagnosis
4. Endoscopic Treatments

Endoscopic Hemostatic Techniques
(1)Heater Probe Coagulation (HPC)
(2)Esophageal Variceal Ligation
(3)Alcohol Injection Sclerotherapy
(4)Gastric Varices Sclerotherapy
Biliary Procedures—Endoscopic Retrograde
Cholangiopancreatogram (ERCP), Endoscopic Sphincterotomy
(EST), Balloon dilatation, Biliary Stent Drainage,
Endoscopic Nasal Biliary Drainage(ENBD).

5. Self-pay Painless Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy
(Under General Anesthesia)
6. Liver Cancer Treatment:
Surgical Resection
Hepatic Artery Embolization
Radio-Frequency assisted Liver Cancer Resection
Ultrasound-guided Ethanol Injection

Contact Information

Shalu Branch 04-26625111
No.117, Shatian Road Shalu District, Taichung City 433, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Dajia Branch 04-26885599
No.321, Jingguo Road Dajia District, Taichung City 437, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

MedicalDepartment Introduction

The Gastroenterology Department at Kuang Tien is equipped with an
exclusive Endoscopic Treatment Center and Ultrasound Room, providing
the most efficient, accurate and friendly service in the Central West Coast
of Taiwan.
Endoscopic Examination
An Endoscopic examination includes the traditional Gastro-Duodenoscopy,
Proctoscope, Colonoscopy; and the newest Narrow-Band Imaging (NBI),
Fluorescence Endoscopy and Magnifying Endoscopy. NBI uses two
discrete band of light to enhance the Capillary Network and Mucosal pit
pattern of the esophagus, stomach and large intestine, which enables the
early detection of cancer. Painless Endoscopic exams (including
Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy) are also available, and are aimed to
minimize patient’s discomforts during the examination.

Therapeutic Endoscopy
The accurate diagnosis of Polyp-Cancer and Endoscopic Resection
of polyp with Therapeutic Endoscopy, prevented the need for surgery,
and benefited many patients with digestive disease. For patients with
liver cirrhosis combined with esophageal bleeding, Therapeutic Endoscopy
can even perform Esophageal Variceal Ligation and Vascular Hemostasis
with good effects.

Liver Treatment
The Gastroenterology Department has use the newest minimally
technique-the Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) for the treatment of Liver
Cancer.The technology is used in elder patients who are inoperable or
unwilling to have surgery.

In-order to develop into a sub-specialty with an equal focus on both
service and academic research, the Gastroenterology Department gradually
developed numerous advanced diagnostic and treatment skills.
They dedicate themselves in the research of clinical drug use with
treatment of liver disease. Additionally, in order to achieve the goal to
enhance community service, the Gastroenterology Department constantly
provides health education and health screenings in the community.

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Quality medical care


Medical services


Quality medical care


Quality medical care

Health Education Information
Pearls of Wisdom from the Medical Field
2022年11月家父因為確診胰臟癌末期,開始在光田醫院大甲院區看診。這期間受到肝膽腸胃科許本麟醫師的診療,讓家父的疼痛能夠舒緩,及安心的診療。放射腫瘤科主任醫師也幫忙解惑許多不了解的病情,其實原本心裡已經做好了許多準備,但是人生就是無預警的發生。2022/12/01後續再到沙鹿院區的福田病房,李秉學主任的照顧,細心的講解,讓家父後面舒緩許多。人生短短幾個秋、生命本無常。這些其實自己心裡都明白,然而內心還是有萬般不捨,還是得讓家父無牽無掛的走完人生的課題。在福田病房將近1個月的時間.心理師的輔導,讓我明白在生命最後一刻,許多的過往雲煙都將消散而去。堅強底下還是會有脆弱的。是她讓我明白到眼淚也是可以滴下來的,讓我不會不捨。還有福田病房全體醫護人員的陪伴,照顧家父,讓我感覺到死亡並非如此可怕。可以用一種祝福的方式讓家人帶走。每日的看著醫護人員的忙碌,會有一種光的感覺。或許這樣的形容會被認為浮誇。即便如此我還是將你們視作我脆弱時照亮黑暗光芒。醫護團隊的辛苦,點點滴滴盡收眼裡。言語無法表達,文字沒有感情,但我依然將我所感受到的,用文字來敘述。很謝謝妳們,再用妳們的汗水滋養灌溉病人的傷痛。她們的辛勞需要讓大眾知道,如果沒有她醫護團隊,就像沒有了亮光的世界。希望有接觸到醫護人員的民眾,能夠用一種感謝、同理、認可的方式來對待醫護人員。12/24 平安夜裡,家父也走完人生的旅途..人生的路途,我看到了溫暖。福田病房裏的主任,醫師,心理師,專師,護理師們 謝謝妳們.. 書不盡言,由衷感謝有妳們。

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